I Am Being Healed… My Testimony So Far (part 3)

Healing came VERY differently than I thought it would. I thought healing was about a simple prayer … and maybe sometimes it is… but there is also much more to know! Remember from part 1? Jesus said He was training me… I just didn’t know all that He meant. 

September rolled in (and I was still fasting!) and I was already slated to go to a Rob Reimer conference on the Holy Spirit with a friend. Rob Reimer spoke and it was good! But nothing he said was new to me that weekend, however it is always nice to hear it afresh … and we were encouraged to practice! That was the fun part! We practiced prophetic words with people we didn’t know, and I got to see God deeply encourage the woman I prayed with. Then we were asked to pray healing over one another. My friend wanted prayer for her painful feet! Now she says that her feet were healed of plantar fasciitis! That was exciting! Then we prayed over me and the Lord’s presence was heavy on me… He had me bow, then kneel, then lay prostrate as He began showing me a deep seated self-reliance within me. This self-reliance was long held from the time I was 11 and my parents separated. When the rug was taken out from under me, I took up my life to be run as I saw fit. I didn’t know Jesus at the time, so who else could I rely on but myself. But so many years later, I was still relying on myself instead of the Lord. Self-reliance instead of God-dependence is just a form of pride. I wept, and shook as the ladies laid hands on me and prayed as they felt led. I repented and confessed my sin to Him and felt a massive release. I hadn’t felt that relaxed and free in such a long time. The Lord had removed a huge weight. I could have curled up and taken a huge nap at that point! The Lord’s glory rested heavily upon me as we finished up the evening with worship!  

Then the next day things shifted again … but this was an ugly shift!

As I went to church and came home, my head and neck felt an ever increasing pressure and pain like nothing I had ever felt. It felt as if my head might explode. It was the worst neck and head ache I had ever felt and I have lived with a lot of pain. I prayed and prayed for release but I suspected this neck and head ache was demonic. Then my friend who went to the conference with me had her back go out … both seemed demonic. I reached out to a friend, Laura, for prayer and she felt the same. So I began to pursue deliverance

Here is where most of you will struggle the most. Demons? Really, Aimee? 

Yup. Really.

Friends, demons are real. Jesus believed in them, talked to them, and cast them out of people. He taught the disciples to cast them out and then sent them out to do it. He gave us, His followers, authority over them in His name to do the same. We should ALL know how to do it and be doing it. It is part of the kingdom work - Preach, Heal, Cast out demons. (Luke 9:1-2)

The Enlightenment and all its logic based, non-supernatural thinking has done a huge number on the world’s and the church’s understanding of the Word and all that God says are actual realities of how creation works. We have lost a Biblical understanding of things like the supernatural realm, signs and wonders, the Holy Spirit and all His gifts, and of angels and demons. This is a huge problem and we need to repent of it. Because Christians… We are the only ones who can help in this area of deliverance… because we stand in Jesus’ name. And the world and your brothers and sisters in Christ need help! I needed help.

For now though that is all I will say, this topic is too big to address all here… I will definitely write a future post about it…

On to the rest of my testimony!

So I pursued deliverance with my friend Laura. She began to pray and seek guidance from the Lord, and gather friends for a big online deliverance. I prayed through all kinds of prayers beforehand to rule some junk out too… but knew that some demonic entity had attached to me - especially my neck - years before when my husband and I had helped plant a church in NY. The Lord had revealed this reality to me the previous year … when I had sat through some deliverance that year and had experienced some freedom. But as much as we would like deliverance to be a quick, easy, clean moment in time… it simply isn’t. Deliverance is a process. 

My online deliverance lasted 4 hours as we worked at being very thorough! I confessed and repented of a lot of stuff that I covered before but hadn’t necessarily gotten the demons that were attached to that sin cast out before … so we covered a lot of ground. But there were a couple of big things… one had to do with my mom’s family line being involved in the Jehovah’s Witnesses… and the other was due to a contract I had signed to incorporate the church we started in NY. That legal contract that happened in the natural realm affected things in the supernatural realm. I didn’t know that was possible …but I have since read that indeed that is true! Well as the gals were led by the Spirit and prayed, they had to break the legal and supernatural binding of that contract off of me. One of the gals who was praying felt it break off. Initially, all I felt after the deliverance was extreme exhaustion. 

BUT - within a week - I began to notice significant changes. 2 things in particular: one the weight that I had felt on my neck for 20 years, but that built to that massive explosive pressure was GONE. GONE. I had been struggling with that neck pain for 20 years! I had done everything … been to the chiropractor, had a million massages, x-rays, stretched every day for years, you name it … and nothing helped it. Now that weight was just gone. Praise Jesus. 

The second thing was all the background noise in my brain stopped. My mind was quiet. I often told my friends how noisy my mind always felt. I often said that the only thing that shut my brain off was to watch TV… because it just made all that noise fade away. This noise was always present like an unpleasant cacophony of sound just out of reach in my mind. It was exhausting at times to pray and focus on reading or focus on being quiet with the Lord (though I pushed through anyway!). And at times it was so loud and exhausting that I would just give up and numb it out with a bunch of TV. I never knew what it was… I didn’t know it was possible to get rid of it! NOW IT WAS GONE. My mind felt free. Thank You Jesus!

These healings came because I had demons cast out of me. DEMONS. Yup, I said it again. I have been a zealous Christ-follower since I gave my life to Jesus at 16. And I had/have demons in me. They live in our flesh, just like our sin, and any disease. All of this was bought for us on the cross … but we need to learn to walk it out in sanctification and claim the things He has bought for us. We have to confess and repent of our sin at deeper levels and invite the Holy Spirit to examine us. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into the deep inner spaces where our emotions need healing. We have to let go of fear and anxiety that just linger in the corners of our soul. And friends we need to cast demons out … who often bring ailments, affliction and disease with them. They also supercharge our sin. You know that sin that just won’t go away no matter how many times you have cried out to God about it? That one? That probably has a demonic supercharge like my anger did. No matter how much I fought it was always there egging me to follow it down the rabbit-hole of my sin. Guess what? Now that is gone too. That urge to fly off the handle … gone. Cast out with a demon. Now I just have regular-level anger. I never knew what that was about until recently. 

Demons desire is to mar the image of God in us, and to steal, kill and destroy. They don’t live under every rock and bush as we often like to say, because they are busy living within us. BUT we do not have to live that way if we know Jesus. They can and should be cast out! And you have the authority to do it… though having others to help is good! 

Well this deliverance and new found peace spurred me on! I read a ton more, and I began casting demons out of myself! I did this at the direction of the Holy Spirit as He highlighted things to me. I read scripture and some really good books. It was all in tandem with continued prayers of healing as well as praying off generational sin too. By the time December rolled around … I had cast a ton of stuff out of myself… it was then that I began to notice some significant problems were going away entirely too.

Inflammation was GONE.

All the pain, fibromyalgia was GONE.

My overreaction to eating anything sugary - huge crazy-level hot flashes. GONE!

Insomnia was GONE! I could sleep! I hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in YEARS!

Praise Jesus for His deliverance and healing!

Friends, this happened because I was having demons cast out of me. I had prayed for God to heal … and this is where He took me. He led me to deliverance. This was all a part of the training I needed to help myself and others. IT IS A NEED. Deliverance is real. And the effects of demons are real. Demons were causing me untold years of pain and suffering. I didn’t need to suffer like that … but the evangelical church doesn’t talk about such things … so I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Now I know, and the whole church needs to wake up and learn how to help people! 

Now, am I totally healed yet?… nope … not YET!

But you better believe I am pressing in and asking for more! 

I have taken my confession and repentance down to the cellular level. I have gotten so serious about getting rid of all lies about God, how He has made us, who He has declared us to be, and how He has created the world, and the supernatural world. I have cast out more demons, and gotten rid of more generational sin and its effects. I have shed all my doubt and skepticism, confessed and repented of all lack of faith and now feel a level of faith I have never felt before! I have aligned my thoughts with God’s Word! Now when I come to a scripture I can’t fully own, I stop right there and confess my sin and ask God to teach me to align with it. I don’t ruminate on my sin, wallow, or look for an answer within myself. I take it to Jesus and ask for His answers. I ask Him to show me the root, and then let Him pull up the weed through confession and repentance and praying in the truth. 

I think my sin of self-reliance was a lynch pin at the beginning of this season. It was holding me back from seeking the help I needed. It was keeping me stuck in finding my own answers instead of God’s answers. It was keeping me steeped in worldly thinking. It was keeping me stuck in pain and suffering… trying to find answers no doctor could ever give me. ONLY JESUS HAD THESE ANSWERS. 

Does this mean I’ll never go to a doctor again? Of course not! Doctors are a common blessing to us all… but what I am saying is seek Jesus! God is YHWH RAPHA - the God who heals. He is the Great Physician, He is the one who heals ALL of our diseases (Psalm 103). Jesus died on the cross for all of this! The cross brings us a total wholeness! He bought us body, mind and soul! Not Just our soul! By His stripes we are healed! Now is the time to rest in this truth! But the truth of healing may be WAY different than you expected … it was for me!

Friends, this is what the Word teaches us. Be challenged. Seek Jesus - go beyond what we have been told. Press into the truth of the scriptures! Seek the resurrection life that Jesus bought for you in the here and now! There is more… Jesus has more for you than you can ever think or imagine! 


I Am Being Healed… My Testimony So Far (part 2)